This idea came as a result of a time spent reading the bible a few weeks ago. It is based on the Apostle Paul's testimony concerning sin and the law in Romans chapter 6 in comparison to his self righteousness under the law found in Philippians chapter 3. I could give you a summary of what Paul says in each passage of scripture, but I would like the scripture to speak for itself so I will post the passages below:
Philippians 3:5-6
5 "I was circumcised when I was eight days old. I am a pure-blooded citizen of Israel and a member of the tribe of Benjamin—a real Hebrew if there ever was one! I was a member of the Pharisees, who demand the strictest obedience to the Jewish law. 6 I was so zealous that I harshly persecuted the church. And as for righteousness, I obeyed the law without fault."
Paul here says that he obeyed the law without fault. Some translations say that he was blameless. He is boasting in his flesh or his own efforts as an example of someone who could boast about himself because of his credentials. Paul appears to be very devout in these two passages even to the point of fully obeying the law of God as a Pharisee, meticulous in the Jewish religion. No doubt Paul was striving to obey the moral dictates of God's Law and had a great awareness of right and wrong under the law. However lets take a look at what he testified about elsewhere concerning his experience under the law of God.
Romans 7:7-13
7 "Well then, am I suggesting that the law of God is sinful? Of course not! In fact, it was the law that showed me my sin. I would never have known that coveting is wrong if the law had not said, “You must not covet.”[c] 8 But sin used this command to arouse all kinds of covetous desires within me! If there were no law, sin would not have that power. 9 At one time I lived without understanding the law. But when I learned the command not to covet, for instance, the power of sin came to life, 10 and I died. So I discovered that the law’s commands, which were supposed to bring life, brought spiritual death instead. 11 Sin took advantage of those commands and deceived me; it used the commands to kill me. 12 But still, the law itself is holy, and its commands are holy and right and good.
13 But how can that be? Did the law, which is good, cause my death? Of course not! Sin used what was good to bring about my condemnation to death. So we can see how terrible sin really is. It uses God’s good commands for its own evil purposes."
We see in this passage that Paul was shown his sin by the law, and as a result his covetous desires were aroused, and these desires brought spiritual death to him. Is Paul contradicting himself when he says that he experienced death by sin under the law in Romans 7, and that he was without fault under the law in Philippians 3? I don't think so! In his effort Paul was without fault. He was very zealous under the Jewish law and for the traditions of his fathers. He paid careful attention to observe the law of Moses, doing everything. Not only did he do everything, but according to zeal he stood out from amongst his fellow Jews! When Paul was exposed to the commandment that forbade coveting his desire for it was aroused and he was found to be covetous. He was found to be guilty under the law and condemned because his heart had transgressed it though outwardly he was faultless! Even when a person seems very religious, very devout, faultless, and zealous.
We know the truth about man from the bible, Amen? Romans 3:23 says "For all have sinned; we all fall short of God's glorious standard." And Jeremiah 17:9 says "The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is?" Even with the outward religious devotion, the law of God exposed the covetousness in Paul's heart and he realized that something was very wrong. Later on in Romans 7 Paul says that the answer do this problem is in Christ! Jesus died to pay the penalty for our sins and to free us from sin's dominating power!
There have been times when I have shared my faith with someone who is very religious in that he or she is careful to follow a certain set of moral laws or ritual. I particularly remember talking with Muslims who are like this. In some of them I have seen a great awareness of moral law (in their faith at least) and an understanding of sins (at least outwardly). However as I have talked with these people I have found a great reliance in themselves. They rely on their own efforts and ability to please God and remain right with God through observance of a moral code. This sounds like Paul and the Jewish people of Paul's day as he talks about in Romans 10:3. People trying to get right with God through their own works! What showed Paul that he couldn't do this? It was the law of God!! What will show the self righteous person that he or she can't do this? The law of God! It arouses sin within a person and that sin brings death! It shows the observer that there is something wrong with his or her heart! It brings the knowledge of sin according to Romans 7:7. The self righteous Pharisee was made aware of his own shortcoming by the commandment in the law, and he therefore saw his need for the Savior, Jesus!
Here is the application. When preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ to someone, use God's Ten Commandments so that they can see how they have fallen short before God. Use it especially on those who believe that they are right with God through their own moral life! No person can do this! If it slew one of the most religious people in the bible, it will sure work on those who rely on their own efforts. Use the Ten Commandments on Muslims, Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Hindu's, Buddhists, Religious Church goers, and any person who is trusting in their own goodness. Watch them become aware of their sinfulness and see that there is no hope in their own effort to be right with his maker! This is a good tip for increased evangelistic effectiveness.
All scripture quotations are from the New Living Translation of the Bible.
Until next time!
The only way to receive life, in this life and after, is by following Torah. There is no other way according to Hashem's Torah. Performing Torah with all your heart, soul and resources is what makes humankind acceptable to Hashem. Learn more from the Netzarim in Raanana, Israel:
How is that possible?
It's what Hashem teaches us in His Torah.
If you follow His Torah then He promises you life. If you don't follow His Torah then you have chosen death.
He doesn't require anything else from you. All He requires is that you perform Torah to the best of your ability (with all your heart, soul and resources).
That has always been the only requirement for kipur. By keeping the Torah "in your mouth and in your heart" you are able to perform it. Read Devarim 30 (Deuteronomy).
It is possible according to Hashem and His Torah. Hashem does not lie and He does not change.
This is what the historical, first century Pharisee Jew, Ribi Yehoshua believed and taught. It is what he taught his orignal first century followers the Netzarim.
You can learn about his teachings from Orthodox Jews in Raanana, Israel at the website I mentioned before.
Good luck with your studies!
Who is Hashem? And do you keep all 613 Torah Laws?
Who is Hashem?
Go to the glossaries section on the homepage of You'll find it right under
the updates section. Go to “H” and scroll down to “Hashem” for the definition.
Do I keep all 613 mizvot?
LOL! Of course not. There are laws that are only for Priests, others only for Levites, others only for men, others only for women, others were to be done in the Temple and others are to be done during the feasts, etc., etc.
I keep all the ones that pertain to me at the present time. I do it with all my heart, with all my soul and all my resources. Because I do this Hashem has said in His Torah that I will have life. (Devarim 6 and 30 to name a few)
You will find this theme throughout the Tanakh (Jewish Bible) or what Christians refer to as the (OT). It is because I preform the Torah to the best of my ability that I receive life; now and for eternity.
This is Hashem's promise.
It is Torah that you must follow. This is Hashem's requirement if you want life not mine.
Samuel, I can find in the Tanakh (what you refer to incorrectly as the OT) scriptures that state that Torah is life and that performing Torah gives only life to those who make a sincere effort to follow it.
Hashem's Torah requires me to preform Torah in order to receive life. However, I have trouble finding just one that states that I have to believe in the messiah to receive life, much less a Christian messiah.
Can you find one? I have asked a few Christian friends but have still yet to receive and answer. I'm beginning to think that there isn't one.
Please don't show me any Christian NT sources because I don't consider it to have any authority or authenticity. As a matter of fact I find it offensive.
Since you do believe in your OT and as Christians teach it's “a shadow of things to come”, I'm sure you can give me something from it.
In the Tanakh God promises the Messiah. In fact, it is implied through the blessing that God gave to Abraham that the whole world would be blessed through him (Genesis 18:18). This idea is also hinted at the end of the book of Genesis (49:10). There will be one from the tribe of Judah who will rule not just Jews, but the rest of the nations as well. They will pay tribute to him. Moses says in Deuteronomy 18 that a prophet like him would arise from among the Jewish people like him and that they were commanded to listen to him. Who is like Moses who led the Jewish people, who was a mediator of a covenant, and who performed many signs and wonders in the presence of the people? Who spoke to God face to face as Moses did? I am not aware of anyone else in the Jewish Bible who has done all of these things. However, Yeshua, whom we call Jesus has been recorded as doing these things. Many other places in Jewish scriptures speak about his work, and identity. Yeshua is from the tribe of Judah, a descendant of David whom God promised that his descendants would always sit upon the throne.
Yeshua performed many miraculous signs such as healing the sick, raising the dead, turning water in to wine at a Jewish wedding, feeding five thousand people from two pieces of fish and five loaves of bread, walking on water, prophesying about the lives others, and more. Yeshua claimed to be the Messiah, and the Tanakh says that the Messiah would die (Daniel 9:26, Isaiah 53) for the sins of the people so that they would be counted righteous. Yeshua died for the sins of the by being nailed to a tree. God cursed him for our sakes so that we would be counted right in God's sight. The Torah says that we are under a curse if we do not continue to do all things written in the book of the Law, and cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree.
Julio I can guarantee that you have not kept the Torah Laws perfectly. How about even standards that we call the Ten Commandments? Have you ever lied? Stolen? Coveted someone else's possessions? Failed to respect your parents? Always put God first in your life? Entertained lustful thoughts about someone(Adultery of the heart)? To my understanding many Jewish people do not even sacrifice animals for the forgiveness of their sins. Maybe you do? The Torah says that there is no forgiveness of sins without the shedding of blood. You cannot approach God without having your sins covered by the blood of animals. If your sins are not cleansed then you will not live eternally. The prophet Daniel said in Daniel 12:2 that some will be raised again to everlasting life and everlasting shame and disgrace.
The scriptures point to Yeshua as being the Messiah and if you do not believe upon him then you will not have your sins forgiven by God because you have indeed broken the Torah laws at sometime in your life. The Messiah has come to bear the sins of the whole world upon his body, and he but God raised him from the dead and he will return to rule and reign upon the earth. He will judge every single person including you. You must repent (Turn away from your sins) and trust in Yeshua for eternal life. If you reject him then God will personally deal with you (Deuteronomy 18:15).
Part 1:
1.In the Tanakh …..
Samuel hold on.... you did not answer my question. I asked where in the Tanakh does it state that I must believe in the messiah in order to have life. As I stated above I only find scriptures in the Tanakh that state that by performing Torah to the best of my ability I shall receive life. I know that G-d promises a messiah in the Tanakh. That's not what I asked. Please answer my question.
2.Yeshua performed........
Samuel this is all stuff that you have been taught by the NT. Like I said before I don't consider it authentic or authoritative. I don't believe in it. I only believe the Tanakh. Stick to the Tanakh ( what you call the OT) if you believe in it please. Devarim 13(Deuteronomy) does warn me against your “messiah”. All these miracles and the fact that he stated that he was a god and claimed to displace the Torah. Devarim 13 declares he is a false prophet. That automatically disqualifies him from ever being a Jewish messiah.
Part 2:
3.Julio I can guarantee that you have not kept the Torah Laws perfectly......
LOL! Of course not Samuel, you do know I'm human right? This is one of the many false misconceptions that Christianity teaches about Judaism. It helps you believe what they teach. Of course I make mistakes but Hashem's Torah teaches that if I keep the Torah to the best of my ability (this is what with all your heart and soul and resources means) then I receive life. So Hashem forgives me of my mistakes. I simply correct my mistake with the intention of never doing it again and continue to perform the Torah as Hashem asks of me. With all my heart, with all my soul and with all my resources. This has always been Hashem's formula for receiving kipur (what you might refer to as atonement/forgiveness). So it's not the blood sacrifice that provides atonement/forgiveness. Hashem is the only one that can give attonement/forgiveness by His grace not by blood or sacrifice. Today as you know, there is no Temple and since there is no Temple the Torah commands that there can be no sacrifices. According to Hashem's Torah sacrifices are only to be done in the Temple. Like I said before I follow the Torah and that is what gives me kipur when I make a mistake as promised by the Torah.
4.The scriptures point to Yeshua as being the Messiah.....
You must be referring to your Christian (NT) because the Tanakh never refers to your man god Yeshua, JC or whatever name you want to call him. On the contrary it declares him a false prophet for declaring himself a god and displacing the Torah of Hashem by stating the he was the only way to receive life among other things.
Thankfully, my G-d, Hashem, the Creator, is not your god, Hashem forgive me for even making a comparison. Your god is a man-god that you worship and in no way compares to mine. Your god is strictly anti-Torah and miso-Judaic. My G-d is pro Torah and He loves His people. As stated in His Torah, my G-d will give me life for performing Torah to the best of my ability. Hashem does not lie and He never changes. His formula for life has always, is always and will always be the same. Anyone desiring to have life, now and for eternity must follow the Torah. This is Hashem's requirement not mine.
The sad thing Samuel, and I say this with great distress is that if you do not leave the idolatry that you have been born into or taught you will not have the life that Hashem promises those who fulfill the Torah. This is what the Torah says not me. The good news Samuel is that you don't have to remain in your current state. Anyone can shed their old religion like a cocoon and be counted among the Jews of Israel. You can learn more about it from the Netzarim in Raanana, Israel: . You can learn how to follow the authentic teachings of the historical, 1st century Pharisee Jew, Ribi Yehoshua.
Samuel, I think I have been more than fair. I have answered many of your questions. I have only asked one and you still have not answered. Please tell me where in Tanakh it says that I will have to believe in the messiah in order to receive life? The only answer I do find is that I must perform the Torah to do so.
If you're looking for a statement in the Torah that says "you must believe in the Messiah to have eternal life", then I don't think you will fine one. And by the way I think that it is only fair to look at the NT because anytime someone claims to be a prophet come from God then you must look at what this person has said or done. That's how you specifically identify a prophet. I look at the claims, life, and work of Yeshua and some to that conclusion based on the requirements of the Tanakh.
As far as the Messiah being a god-man or man-god the NT teaches that Yeshua (Jesus) was both fully God and fully man. Can this be supported by the Tanakh? I believe so. In Isaiah 9:6-7 it says that a child will be born who will have the government upon his shoulders who would sit on the throne of David forever (The Messiah will come from the tribe of Judah as a descendant of David). This child would also be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. The two titles, Everlasting Father and Mighty God in themselves describe divinity. These titles aren't just thrown to anyone in the Tanakh.
Also consider the prophecy out of Micah 5:2 which says: “ But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, Though you are little among the thousands of Judah,Yet out of you shall come forth to Me The One to be Ruler in Israel, Whose goings forth are from of old, From everlasting.”
Bethlehem is the same town that David was born in. This prophecy is referring to the birth of the Messiah who actually is eternal. It says that his goings forth are from everlasting which literally means "the days of eternity". Isaiah 7:14 also says that his name would be Immanuel which means God with us. Yeshua also had this title.
In terms of Yeshua coming to displace the Law and the Prophets, he says "Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill" Matthew 5:17. In fact, Yeshua is esteeming the Law of God in the context of this passage if you care to take a look at it. When he says that he came to fulfill he literally means that he has come to meet the requirement of the Law in all of its demands including the penalty of death for the transgression of it! You've just told me that blood does not warrant forgiveness but the Torah says something different. Leviticus 17:11 says "For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you upon the altar to make atonement for your souls; for it is the blood that makes atonement for the soul.’ The Law is clear that blood atones. The Priests in the temple would sacrifice animals daily and on top of that there is Yom Kippur. If you're not sacrificing today what is removing your sins? Has God spoken to you and told you that there is another way besides the temple? I see no commands stating otherwise in the Torah, but God has always required the sacrifices.
Since this is the case you're as still in your sins and in need of atonement. There is no temple, but God has provided a better way for all of us. He has sent the Messiah to bear the sins of the world upon his own body, fulfilling the Law in all of its demands including duty and penalty so that we could have atonement forever! The Law of Moses will not help you when God judges you. It will point its finger at you and call out all of your short comings and you will be condemned for these sins. The wisest man (King Solomon) on all of the earth said this "For there is not a just man on earth who does good And does not sin" (Ecclesiastes 7:20). In Ezekiel 18:4 God says that the soul who sins will die. According to the Tanakh you are like the rest of us you are guilty of sin as am I, but God has shown his love to us in having another suffer for our sins in our place so that we could have eternal life.
The Law of God simply points out your error Julio, it's not going to help you! You must repent and put your trust in God's Messiah, Yeshua (Jesus) for forgiveness and eternal life. God is perfect and holy, and just. He destroyed Aaron's two sons for offering unauthorized fire at the alter, and he will punish you if you appear before Him guilty. Please repent and trust the Messiah. He is the only one who can help you. The Tanakh points to him.
Excuse me Julio if it takes a while for me to respond I am actually going out of town so I will not be able to respond to you for a few days. Thank you for visiting my blog.
Okay. The issue about having to believe on a messiah in order to have life (now and for eternity) is false then. The good thing is that you admit that this formula for life is not found with in the Tanakh. It is solely an anti-Torah, false teaching that Christianity(NT) uses to promote lies, displacement theology and miso-Judaism. You've been able to see it but not understand it yet. Seeing you do not see and hearing you do not hear. Time will tell if you remain the same. The only thing that saddens me is that time is running out. Any other reasoning is not valid since Christianity's fundamental argument (I need to believe in the Christian messiah to have life) is false and not supported by the Tanakh that you claim to believe in. Choosing Torah is choosing life (now and for eternity). Good luck in your spiritual journey my work is done.
I have just given you verses that talk about the Messiah (Jesus) from the Tanakh. The Tanakh does teach that you must believe in the Messiah. There is no other option for you Juilio. To not believe in Jesus the Messiah is to disobey God (Psalm 2:12). Isaiah 53 also makes it very clear.
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